
Dr. Timothy Johns

Dr. Timothy Johns is a business man and church planter. He is the founder and leader of the Rock Tribe, an international family of churches in the USA and three other nations. Tim also started and leads Rock Solid Urban Impact and All Nations College. His life focus has been to create healthy spiritual families that are effective in making disciples and raising up leaders that advance Christ’s kingdom in every sphere of life. He has produced many resources to help emerging APEST leaders start and multiply small Missional Kingdom Families (micro-churches). (APEST – Five-fold ministry gifts like apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers).

Since the 1970’s, Tim has planted and multiplied hundreds of small spiritual families, and effectively trained others to start and lead life-giving, disciple-making micro-churches. His father’s heart, contagious love, affection, and joy have helped others learn how to create the culture necessary for sons/daughters of Father to become like Christ. Tim has been a keynote speaker at numerous churches and conferences. He also consults with church leaders, helping them to improve evangelism and discipleship in the context of small missional communities.

Tim received formal training with three earned degrees: Bachelors of Arts (Tarkio College), Masters of Divinity (Fuller Theological Seminary) and Doctorate of Ministry (Regent University). He has served as an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian denomination and with the Vineyard. He helped raise up a church-planting movement in the 1980’s called Grace Ministries. In the 1990’s those church plants merged into the International House of Prayer, Vineyard, or became Independent.

Tim’s passion is the Person of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. He longs to reveal Father’s heart to all people. His mission is to inspire Christ’s Church to be a catalyst of the Holy Spirit which proclaims the gospel, makes disciples of Christ, and transforms cities for the glory of God. He believes God is radically changing the understanding and expression of Christianity in this generation by merging three supernatural realities: Revival, Reformation of the Church, Transformation of culture.

Tim and Janet have enjoyed 42 years of marriage, raised two married children who are Christ-loving leaders, and six beautiful grandchildren. They live in Northern Colorado where they are planting micro-churches in the Rocky Mountain region and giving oversight to the Rock Tribe Family-of-Churches and its compassion and educational ministries.